
Showing posts from February, 2019

Review Kindle Paperwhite 2018

Halo, halo! Setelah sekian lama akhirnya ngepost lagi. Kali ini, gue mau review Kindle Paperwhite 2018. Jadi, udah lama gue tau tentang Kindle Paperwhite. Buat yang belum tau, Kindle itu e-book reader yang dijual sama Amazon. Bedanya sama HP, layar dia pakai teknologi e-Ink, jadinya mata nggak akan pegel kayak kita main HP. Bener-bener kayak buku deh, pokoknya. Dari SMP, gue udah suka baca novel atau Wattpad di iPod, di HP, dan sebagainya. Jaman SMA, gue udah jarang banget pegang novel fisik. Pas kuliah, apa lagi. Gue naik KRL, jadi agak ribet kalau harus bawa-bawa novel dan baca di kereta. Lama-lama, gue merasa, kok pegel ya mata kalau baca di HP kelamaan? Iseng searching, ketemu lah Kindle Paperwhite. Sebenernya ada 4 varian dari Kindle, yaitu Kindle, Kindle Paperwhite, Kindle Voyage, dan Kindle Oasis. Setahu gue, yang Voyage udah discontinue. Kindle Oasis adalah tipe yang paling mahal, intinya nggak cocok untuk mahasiswa dengan uang terbatas seperti gue. Lalu, apa bedanya Kindle bia...

5 Must Have Mac Apps

Last year, I decided to switch to Mac OS from Windows . It’s been good, actually. But, as always, nothing is perfect. To fill the gap between Windows and MacOS, I’ve been using these apps. Some of them are free, some are not. 1.  Keka (Free) An archiver tool, similar to WinRAR in Windows. It has the capability to extract from and compress to various format with password. The standard tool in MacOS doesn’t have this capability to do this. If you like to give your archive password, this will be the one for you. Extracting and compressing is smooth, the app is small in size (27.8MB), making it a great choice if you have small storage. Also, the icon is cute! Haha. 2. BetterSnapTool (Paid) If you’re used to Windows’s snapping window, this app will get you the feature. Sad that MacOS hasn’t implemented the feature as a standard. You can customize how right-clicking the close button will do. Mine is set on quit app, and it’s quite useful, especially when I don’t ...