
Macbook Kesembur Air

Udah hampir setahun sejak terakhir post di sini. Ok, tanpa berlama-lama, gue mau cerita mengenai Macbook gue yang kesembur air di Agustus kemarin. Gue lagi minum air depan laptop, terus entah kenapa keselek, dan bukannya gue malingin muka biar nggak muncrat ke laptop, muka gue tetep full menghadap laptop. Ya, jelas yah hasilnya gimana? Laptop gue basah. Gue pikir nggak akan gimana-gimana karena kesemburnya nggak banyak. Gue keringin pake tisu, sempet dikipasin juga. Rookie mistake , gue nggak langsung matiin. Please note: harus langsung matiin! Semua berjalan lancar... Sampai 10 menit kemudian tiba-tiba ngefreeze dan speakernya stuck on loop . Gue paksa matiin dengan pencet tombol power. Feeling gue udah nggak enak, nih. Gue nyalain, nggak mau sama sekali. Nggak ada respon juga. Hadoooooooh. Udah panik dalam hati tapi masih mencoba stay cool. Apa yang gue lakukan? Tentu lanjut ngipasin laptopnya sambil dibalik, karena katanya bisa ngeringin sekalian menghilangkan kelembaban dari mesin ...

Pengalaman Pakai Air Purifier (Dari Sharp, Leka, ke Samsung)

Halo semua! Kembali lagi ke segmen #ReviewDongTong (ya, ganti dari #REVIEWDET) kali ini gue mau cerita soal pengalaman gue pake air purifier selama 5 tahun lebih. Iya, kebetulan emang udah pakai selama itu. Pertama kalinya di rumah gue beli air purifier adalah ketika nyokap gue, entah dari mana liatnya, nyuruh gue cari-cari air purifier yang bagus tapi nggak terlalu mahal. Di tahun 2017, merek yang terkenal dan price to valuenya OK itu Sharp. Jadilah gue beli Sharp FM40Y-B di Blibli karena waktu itu Tokopedia belum bisa kirim-kirim pake kurir instan dan gue ngeri pake kargo. Oh ya, coverage air purifier ini 30m2, karena ini pertama kali juga punya air purifier, jadi harusnya cukup untuk ruang tamu. Juga, tipe Sharp yang coveragenya di 30m2 harganya udah ngga masuk budget. Seperti air purifier pada umumnya, ada filter HEPA, deodorizer, sama pre-filter. Nah, tapi air purifier ini punya fitur yang beda, yaitu penangkap nyamuk, dalam bentuk lem lembaran. Berhasil ga ya?   Tadinya aga...

Sometimes... I Feel Like,

I feel like this year was one of the worst period, ever. Pandemic, new situations, the never-ending change, or even constant situation. I was grateful to have a job that allows me to work form home, but some people are not as lucky as me. I just wish this pandemic would end as soon as possible. I also have realized that this year really took a toll on me. I faced a new situation where I have to break through my comfort zone. It was fun while it lasted, though. I would not like to be stuck in here forever. Sometimes, I feel like I should be more grateful. A friend once told me that complaining about a situation will not make it any better. But, as a normal human, complaining is one of the things that we always do. And I'm sure most people around us will agree. But now that I thought about it, yeah, complaining, if done excessively, can ruin everything. Ahhhh. I'm just so tired and in dire need of some good sleep.

Toggle Cycle Touch Bar Macbook - Automator

 Hi, hi! It's been quite long since I posted something, so.. here I am. As you might know, I've been using Macbook Pro Touchbar for more than a year. More often than not, I use the "Expanded Control Strip" mode for my Touchbar. Why? I just don't think it's that useful for me. I love being able to mindlessly touch my Touchbar to increase volume and such, like the usual Mac keyboard. But, when I started to use Twitter app... I realize that I need emoji, and it's easier to choose from Touchbar than on screen. "Why don't you just use the Fn key to show app controls?" It's a fuss and honestly it's tiring to keep pressing the Fn button. Then, I remembered about Automator and its ability. Since I don't really understand much about Automator.. Google to the rescue. Yet, there aren't that many people who've used Automator for toggling Touch Bar? I thought people were protesting about Touch Bar? The only code I found is from cfrien...

How To Solve Choppy Bluetooth Audio - Mac OS Catalina

Hi, hello, readers! How have you been, with COVID-19 striking us from all areas? I hope all of you are well. So, maybe you've seen my previous post, about Sakumini Y2 Mini  (it's in Indonesian). If you haven't, here's the summary: it's a true-wireless stereo bluetooth speaker, very cheap (~$30!!! a good deal, right), LOUD, and lightweight. It surely packs a punch with its small size. The problem with it... choppy audio. On iOS, Android, even Windows, it's no problem. But, when I used in on MacOS, it's choppy. Pure garbage. Then I thought, if the problem only persists on MacOS, maybe the problem lies not in the speaker. I started googling about it, even tried resetting the Bluetooth module, reconnecting the speaker. None. Not one solution in the forums worked, except one. Bluetooth Explorer. What is Bluetooth Explorer? It's an app provided by Apple for developers. You can download it on Apple Developers page, then it's in Additional Tools fo...

Review Sakumini Y2 Mini: Murah Meriah Mantap

Yak, balik lagi ke segmen #REVIEWDET ! Buat yang belum tahu apa itu #REVIEWDET , ini adalah tempat gue review barang maupun sesuatu yang gue konsumsi. Seperti yang sudah tertera di judulnya, kali ini gue akan bahas mengenai Sakumini Y2 Mini . Apaan sih itu? Kok ga pernah denger ya? Sakumini adalah lini audio dari KIIP Indonesia, yaitu perusahaan yang berkutat di sekitar aksesoris gadget, salah satunya adalah Baseus (pasti pernah denger merek ini kan?). Kebetulan gue lagi cari speaker bluetooth stereo. Setelah googling dan cari di YouTube, ketemu speaker ini. Harganya pun nggak terlalu mahal, gue beli di harga Rp200 ribu per speaker. Karena waktu itu di Tokopedia lagi ada cashback, gue pun beli 2 biar bisa stereo. Alasan gue beli waktu itu karena: - Ada official storenya, jadi kalau ada apa-apa harusnya lebih mudah klaim garansi - Bisa jadi stereo tanpa kabel (via Bluetooth) - Harganya ngga terlalu mahal - Baca review katanya baterainya awet - Suaranya cukup bagus Bener...

Rekomendasi Merek Laptop di Indonesia, Apa Ya?

(ngeliat post terakhir) Walah ternyata udah lama juga ya nggak ngepost disini. Oke lah, berhubung sekarang gue udah punya banyak waktu luang, gue akan ngebahas tentang: merek laptop. Mungkin ada yang tahu kalau beberapa kali, gue diminta rekomendasi laptop di rentang harga tertentu. Biasanya antara di bawah Rp5 juta, atau sekitar Rp7-9 juta. Sepertinya perlu diketahui juga sekarang daily driver gue adalah Macbook Pro , dan jujur gue sangat puas dengan performanya, meskipun harganya bikin kantong bolong banget. Karena itu, untuk orang-orang yang punya bujet Rp15 juta ke atas, gue akan merekomendasikan lini Macbook sih. Terutama karena biasanya orang yang minta rekomendasi ke gue bukan orang yang penggunaannya cukup spesifik (buat game ataupun desain). Untuk bujet selain itu, gue akan nanya: maunya merek apa? Pertanyaan tentang preferensi merek ini menurut gue jadi penting karena dengan budget yang ditentukan, banyak banget laptop yang bisa direkomendasikan. Lalu, hasilny...